Dan started his music-career in the late 90 ́s. Dan started to work as a DJ on a amateur basis. In the mid 2000 he changed name of the project to ”Ironic” and a self named EP went out on market in a extreme limited edition.
In 2010 Dan formed Ironic Sweden and produced a lot of songs in the years after that but nothing were ever released. Finally the debut-EP ”Player” were released in December 2017 in a very limited edition in 100 ex in both CD and vinyl. Several radiostations, both national and international, started to broadcast his music. In 2023 a new full-lenght CD was planned and it was time to ”Evolve” the band. Ironic Sweden multiplied and two new band members joined, Tezz Markström and Stefan Kauppila-Johansson. The sound changed somewhat, and became more electro-pop/dance, but still true to the original synthbased roots. Dan is using a different technique to record his songs. Both music and vocals are often recorded in a homebased studio with Logic Pro X and the instruments can be everything between synths, drum pads, metal gear or any odd materials. Just to make the music unique the different sounds he use has often a touch of the 90 ́s, mixed with more modern sounds and beats to become something in between EBM and Bodypop and Dance, or as someone said from Hitcity Öresund; Future Pop

The music can be found on all major music platforms such as



A group of people standing in a tunnel

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The band is new to the live-scene, but with that said new spring-chickens.
Both Stefan and Tezz are familiar standing on stage delivering music. And Dan with his
background as DJ also has good knowledge of the live-concept.

  • 29/7-2023
    Performing at a local Summer Party. This was the bands first “real” live performance. And it
    was a huge success.
  • 11/11-2023
    Release Party of the new full-lenght CD
    PocoLocos, Ljungby.
  • 10/5-2024
    Supporting act for KEBU
    Charles Dickens, Helsingborg

More dates for future engagements are coming…….

LINKS to music

Besides the links to the streaming services presenting the music. Here are some links to clips of live-
performances and also some previous videos.


To contact the band for more information and requests for gigs please contact us at:


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